Bring the bottles back
Thank you @Diamond Lim 🧡
@Emma2705 Voted up, I love to see the “old” bottle streak back!
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Thanks for tagging me @Diamond Lim
Vote up! ⬆️
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Hello everybody!! 👋
I'm ultra-agree with this idea @Emma2705 *VOTED* ✅👏
Thank you @Diamond Lim for the tag!! 😉
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I voted up! 😊
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I agree with this. Loose 1 at a time just as we get 1 bottle at a time.
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I also agree with that
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For what it's worth I Vote in favor of the idea!! Take Me for instance I'm 68, Retired, Senior, Disabled, & have Responsibilities, & Obligations that requires attention outside the Game, I can't always come back to the Game in a timely manner. Therefore, it's Frustrating to come back and find out that I lost Batula Wonderball levels and//or Timed Boosters, and get hit up for purchasing Gold Bars to maintain the levels. Batula Wonderball levels give me 59 minutes for 5 Gold Bars, that's not very realistic if You have 4 levels to get caught up, I'll end up losing those Gold Bars.
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@Pitty_Kitty didn't like My idea for getting a Badge for completing a Cake all by yourself?
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I agree with this. Loose 1 at a time just as we get 1 bottle at a time.
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I agree on not losing all your bottles if you do not pass the next level. In the past, if you had earned your bottles and went onto a new level, if you lost only 1 bottle would be removed at a time until you lost all your bottles. I voted up on not losing all bottles all at once.