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Level 1
Since I used my last allotment of pins, I’ve played more than 10 levels and restarted the game 5 times and I still have not received new level pins. This happens very frequently and a lot of times all my ships are sunk by my opponent, while I’m still waiting to get new pins. Why does this happen?
Hello @jillzworth and welcome to Soda community!
Pins are not the result of your gameplay but your friends'. Before starting a round of Shipmates you're asked to choose 4 friends and the feature shows you their level of activity to help you make your choice.
Since those friends pass levels and send you pins, it might help to tap on their avatar picture and check their current level and country before selecting them. Knowing they're not at end of the map and they play in the same timezone as you might increase the chance to receive many pins in a day.
If your friends' ships sink, your friends can't send you pins anymore even if they pass new levels. Vice versa, if you sink your opponent's ships, their friends can't send pins to your opponent anymore and you have more chances to beat them.
If you wish to send your friends a notification you can tap on the orange bell visible in Shipmates. They'll be informed that you need their help in Shipmates and they should pass some levels to send you pins.
Also another tip: if you manage to sink some of your opponent's friends ships, tap on their avatar picture and consider to send them a friend request. They might be very active players and if they accept your requests you can choose them in next round of Shipmates. I always do this and befriend the enemy 😄
You can also tap on avatar pictures and add very active players who appear in other events like Weekly Contest and 4 in a row
I get it now. Sorry for the dumb question lol thanks so much for the explanation
No worries @jillzworth I'm happy to help.
It's not a dumb question, to be fair this topic is raised fairly frequently on this forum so maybe the in-game of this event tutorial could be improved and clarify that pins don't arrive from the levels we pass ourselves but our friends'.
Do you happen to have tapped on "i" blue button on the top left corner of Shipmates and checked out the tutorial "how to play"? what do you think of the explanation?