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Hi @LoFiGummy thank you for the tag @Pitty_Kitty I thought there was something wrong with my game! 🤣🤣
yeah me too. I saw the diorama on my game before seeing this thread and my first,thought was, the heck is going on here 😅
That's kinda savage 🤣
I'm glad you all took it well 😁
the most unexpected April fool's pranks were the ones perpetrated by my teachers at the expense of us students when I was a kid. They were not bad ofc (I legit don't remember them). What stuck with me was the initial excitement that turned into shock and sense of betrayal 🤣
And this happened every April 1st 😭🤣
I got both the diorama and Kimmy's egg hunt.! I always remember funny April fool's pranks as a kid in school, and phone pranks.
I seldom fool by people on April Fool.
In my country, kids have the custom of cutting all kinds of fish forms in papier and colour them. They then add a sticking paper near the head, and spend some time trying to stick their chef d'oeuvre on the back of their friends or close adults. If not careful, you might end up walking around all day with a paper fish hanging in you back.
I became very sensitive to whatever was happening in my back around Easter. So it was difficult for my son to attach one of these on me, and this became a kind of chasing game between us. One Easter, he had totally failed to achieve his mischievious fish plan. I was quite pleased with myself when going to bed. I opened the book I was reading before going to sleep, and there.... I found a fish, with a hugh HAHAHA written on it. He managed to get it to me somehow 🤣🤣🤣
My post from a few days ago disappeared without a trace, so I decided to split it into two paragraphs and post it again.
Unforgettable April Fools' Day.
My ex-girlfriend broke up with me on April Fool's Day.
I didn't take it seriously, I thought it was an April Fool's prank.
I didn't expect that she was serious.
Paragraph 2:
The above story is purely fictitious. Happy April Fool's Day.
Post it quickly so my friends don’t think it’s true.