Please get an option to turn this off

Level 3
I'm trying to concentrate. Just make a button to turn off hints, especially the new ones shown below. Candy crush saga has that option as well so why can't soda saga as well?
go to setting to turn Hints off. Hope this helps
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I did that, I turned everything else off as well, including flashes. It still happens with the flashes too.
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so sorry to hear. I have my hints turned on. I’m going to turn them off to see if the same issue happens to me. I’ll let you know.
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I’ve uploaded a screenshot of my settings. My Hints & Flash are off. When I played I had no hints or flashing. I sometimes think that we have different configurations of the game. I read where people earn extra moves by watching commercials and I have never had that option. Who knows I hope the King community can help you.
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My accessibility settings do not have remove hints.
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Do the hints help to win or they a distraction to using more moves?
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They're very distracting but not because they help, but it's just very annoying the way they rapidly go bigger and smaller.
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Du musst in das Menü
wo nochmal ein Menübutton
(blauer ,runder Button ,mit weißem Rad)
ist.Diesen musst du anklicken.
Dann kommst du auf das richtige Einstellungsbild.
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I use windows, it seems there's no option to turn hints off.
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Ich ich verwende Android.
Manchmal habe ich plötzlich,trotz ausschalten wieder die Tips an.
Habe herausgefunden das ich dann kurz hier rein schaue,dann gehe ich zurück,und es stimmt wieder.
Allerdings weiss ich nicht wie es bei Windows ist
Aber ich hoffe jemand kann dir helfen.🙂