Need a Helping Hand? 💭
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Hi all I just heard the studio is aware of this problem and is looking into a fix. So hopefully it will be resolved soon. I know it's frustrating but please be patient while they find a fix for this. As always your feedback is appreciated and always welcomed ❤️
Trying to be patient but I've lost so many boosters because of this problem and these hard levels are becoming impossible!! So everyone is without boosters right now ???
still nothing?
any updates?
Not a word from king... Still all locked boosters this is the 2nd cake I've helped bake and all my claimed prizes just went into the air I guess. The only feedback I get is in here and all that says is …it's a game glitch be patient. If that were true wouldn't everyone have this problem? I think not
This problem has been reported many times. We have asked about the locked booster's as of right now the studio is looking into the problem in the meantime you can contact support for help
Wann hört das endlich auf??????
Was neues????
Hello @Anni67
I’m sorry but we don’t have an update. You need to contact Player Support for help. Click this link: ➡️
How to find your user ID on Soda app: here
How to find your user ID on Facebook site: here
Danke für das Feedback.
Habe sie schon angeschrieben.Sie haben sich sehr bemüht am Anfang.Alles hat nichts geholfen.
Jetzt bekomme ich, auf meine Frage wie es denn jetzt weiter geht, keine Antwort mehr.
Ätzend ,ich glaube die wissen selbst nicht weiter!🤔 😭😱