Ended, Find the Missing numbers Wins Gold
Hi there!
My two guesses are A and C please ๐
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Hi Soda Players
This contest will end Tomorrow,
Reminder who missed my tags, please ignore if you already participated
@_Elsa_ย @200mimisย @Adavย @amingyย @Amoonmoonย @Andres-2ย @bearwithmeย @BQN537ย @CassDย @Courtney1990ย @Cuauhtemoc_candyย @dabobsterย @DieOmimiย @Emilio114ย @EnergizerBunnyย @Glenn1972ย @Goldenswordzย @greddycandyย @Gumyupawpawย @Hell66ย @huynhducย @Ibnanaย @Iffu2ย @istuffย @jk14ย @johamiltonย @Johan_DelaCenaย @JONH10ย @KCullen127ย @Kerrieย @kiara_waelย @KingsDaughter14ย @LadyGaivmanย @LeFlarcaneย @LindaHS76 @Lou_2002ย @Lovelylockzzย @maf34100ย @me6412ย @MiladyRย @moe75ย @Moh1977ย @MollySย @Mommabear1269ย @MountainMomย @namal_butt_01ย @ndd_2023ย @nekocatย @Nikolaos_Prodromidisย @Palash_Sarmaย @PaulaB1ย @penkenย @Pitty_Kittyย @Princess_Jessicaย @PummyRajย @Qazmย @Racoon7ย @rebelchildย @SabrinaMย @SApple2ย @shafer223ย @Shina04ย @simplyPย @skyeboย @Spinnifixย @steventsengย @sudejoย @teeweipingย @Tranterbleuย @Tzvi_Marcuย @Werner_Cichyย @wykoonย @Yosca
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Hi @Palash_Sarma thank you for the tag and fun contest.
1st guess: C
2nd guess: D
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My guess is D
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Time up everyone, B is the correct answer 3,2
5 Lucky Winners are
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Thanks for the fun contest.
Thank you and I wish everyone who participates good health and happiness.
Can I please donate the gold bars to nekocat? If possible, that would be great, this is my birthday wish.Please.
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Yes, no problem...
Happy Birthday ๐ ๐
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@Racoon7 , thank you very much my friend!