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Shipmates—How to 100% defeat your opponent in 8 Shots 🤯😱

In Shipmates, many players really want to defeat their opponents' fleet in 8 shots only. The fastest way to victory👍👍👍👍👍👍 👍 👍

How to 100% defeat your opponent's fleet in 8 shots?

The answer is: You know the layout of your opponent.


  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920
    edited January 10

    Where is the last ship?

    Honestly, it’s very difficult to find the last ship, because you have to find 2 squares out of 19 squares.

    But if you were me, it’s very easy to sink the last ship, because I know the layout of my opponent’s fleet.

    How can you know the layout of your opponent?

    It’s very easy if you follow my trick. Let me explain it step by step.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920
    edited January 13

    Another battle:

    Where is the last ship?

    I can know the location of the last ship, moreover who is the pirate 😆

    After watching my two easy battles, some smart guys may know the secret of how to realise the layout of your opponent and then get the 8-shot victory. If you are not smart enough, never mind, I will elaborate the trick—how to 100% defeat you opponent in 8 shots, step by step.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920
    edited January 15

    The first battle above

    The layout of the opponent’s fleet in another device:

    The second battle above

    The layout of the opponent’s fleet in another device:

    If you want to know the layout of your opponent’s fleet, and then let you 100% defeat their fleet in 8 shots. The first step is: choose the opponent by yourself not by the system.

    Therefore, how to choose the opponents by yourself?

    I will explain this trick later😆

    By the way, you may find the first ship was sunk in my two battles is the same cartoon cat, she is an ace in my fleet.😎✌️

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920
    edited January 22

    One more battle:

    Defeat the ace—cartoon cat first

    And then hit the last shot:

    The layout of the opponent’s fleet in another device:

    Man Chan vs Snow or Snow vs Man Chan, it’s very obvious that I am using one account in one device to defeat my another account in another device, so I can realise the layout of my opponent’s fleet and then get my 8-shot victory absolutely. Moreover Snow can sink a pirate ship and find the ship is Snow, myself 😆😂🤣

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    How to 100% defeat your opponent’s fleet in 8 shot?

    The answer is: you should know the layout of your opponent’s fleet.

    Then how to know the layout of your opponent’s fleet?

    The answer is: choose the opponent by yourself, eg. one account vs. another account or your account vs. your friends😆

    Have you ever met a SAME opponent many times?🧐

    When the system chooses an opponent for you, do you have a familiar feeling to that opponent?🧐

    Do you think the system searches an opponent for you from hundreds of thousands of applicants around the world?🧐

    No way, the system searches an opponent for you from a GROUP only. Because this is related to the power of the server, that’s MONEY matter.😂

    For example:

    This opponent is defeated by my 8-shot and then we meet again immediately after that battle 🤣

    I am sorry this owl will be defeated by me again🤭. He has chosen the same player ( the arrow one ) but she is sitting at the end of the map and is offline.🤔

    If my opponent is chosen around the world, there is very low possibility of meeting same opponent again, and my group has little players.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    Do you think the system is very smart in Soda?

    No. It sometimes makes mistakes 😆😂🤣

    It cannot show the actions especially they are happening in REAL TIME 100 % correctly.

    For example:

    Two damaged locations are wrong😜

    Two damaged locations are wrong again 😜😂

    Two damaged locations are wrong once more😜😂🤣

    Therefore we can do many Special things by this deficiency including the Bake a Cake.

    This image represents you are joining a queue to look for your opponent in Shipmates from a GROUP PLAYERS.

    This might take a few MINUTES, it’s true if your group has few players only.

    What will happen if my two accounts in two different devices is joining a queue of extremely few players group and they Jump the Queue at the same time?🤔

    They will be paired 😆

    I will explain more about jumping the queue technique soon…

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    After you have joined a queue to search for an opponent, the system will pair the players in the queue by first come first serve. According to the sequence, two players will be paired and then a battle will begin. Each player has 3 initial shots at the beginning.

    Before I tell you how to jump the queue, I must admit this is not a good behaviour,😜😂therefore you may be punished by the system if you do this bad behaviour not very well.

    You may not have 3 initial shots normally:

    Only 2 initial shots

    Only 1 initial shot

    OMG, I have nothing 😂🤣

    I have to wait for my teammates passing a new level. But my opponent has 3 initial shots🫣

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