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Rewards Pass is taken away now?

What my headline said. Any others experiencing this? Didn't get it today


SO.. for the first time in months, since I reached the door levels, I somehow managed to win a weekly contest, and unlocked the mega suitcase, because I ended up 3rd place three weeks in a row (against barely playing players). 12+ hours of free life, 8 hours of having the unlimited rainbow ball, 4 hours multicolor ball, and a little time with other free things.

Awesome, right? Right? Or so you should think, because at the same time I didn't get the weekly Rewards Pass today, as I usually do.

After having that as one of my few activities games left, it suddenly today, of *all* days, didn't show up. The day where I could really collect for it, maybe even pick the Big Rewards Pass and collect for 21 items, instead of the middle pass with 14 items. The suitcase wouls have given me that option, had it been there.

Instead, after doing Rocket Race and my 2 daily tasks that I can do in 4iaR, until my teammates perhaps finish a row, so a new game can be done, I was left with 2½ + 6½ hours of free boosters that I can use for exactly NOTHING. I got no other activities games to use them in. Nothing to collect for.


So not only did Rewards Pass not appear today, but if that's permanently gone (for a while?), it's leaving me with even less activities games than I am already down to.

Shipmates, Kimmy's Arcade, Rescue Buddies, and now possibly Rewards Pass (used to be very sporadic game for me, but was weekly since November-ish).. and what other games I might have had, now they're all games that I have lost since August 2024.

On top of that I don't always get added to the big occasional tournaments, to win 200GB. There apparently one going now that I didn't get to be a part of.

I am down to 4iaR, Rocket Race, and Bake a Cake. Also Battula Balls, but it's only active for the 45 new weekly levels coming Fridays. Those last me 2 days.

This random choice of who can play what activity games is very determined to make this game as uninteresting for me as possible, other than those 45 new levels.

Maybe it's the sign that I need to take a longer break from this game, hitting me in the head, and I am just slow to see it, bc I really like this game - normally - which is why I have stuck around, even when things has been frustrating.

I'm very close ro listening to that sign this time.


  • Rinnaya
    Rinnaya Posts: 6

    Level 2

    @ DanishWolf,

    I completely empathize! I love my Rewards Pass, the large one. I'm so sorry yours didn't pop up, but I'm hoping it will soon.

    I play on both my phone and my tablet, (accounts linked, sometimes not thoroughly synced, though), and the Pass on my phone came through rather quickly, while the tablet one took it's sweet time. I didn't get the one on my tablet until just before noon local time.

    I'm crossing my fingers far you, though! As someone who doesn't purchase in game boosters? I can relate to earning everything!

    Good luck!


  • tcpj1oh
    tcpj1oh Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am in the same boat. I had great boosters and no reward pass. It’s the n only thing I can do after my four in a row. Please give it back

  • jaynepaynts
    jaynepaynts Posts: 7

    Level 2

    They've become very stingy and it's just not fun any more. Suggestions for a new game??? I'm looking!

  • DanishWolf
    DanishWolf Posts: 246

    I didn't get the Rewards Pass this week either, so seem I lost that activity as well. Outside of (still) having Rocket Race, I'm down to only having the basic activities games left. The ones we have had in the game for years. Even one of those games is acting up these days, but I found a way around it.

  • DanishWolf
    DanishWolf Posts: 246

    I played Farm Heroes Saga and Pet Rescue, years ago, but I remember liking the games. I might switch back to those for a while, or start playing them again, in the days where there isn't much to play for in this game.

    I remember a game called Gummy Drop which is similar game type too.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?