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Bring Back the Quests Pleaaaaase !!!

So far everyone has complained that the quests have disappeared! 
King.. kindly return it to our screens!! 


  • Hellie57
    Hellie57 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    With the quests missing, this weekends bubblegum king games just aren't any fun. Although I've gotten lucky a couple of times and was able to complete all 5 levels, I had to use up everything I won.  Sort of takes all the fun out of it for me.  I hope King is able to rectify this situation.  Seems a lot of people are just as frustrated.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @Yaz_Milani, you are all over aren't you?  @Hellie57 have you seen the many messages posted here about the quests not showing up?  I got Bubblegum Hill last night but didn't check it out today.  What I would like you to do is to go to this link and please type your thoughts on this there.  @Yaz_Milani, I think you already posted there.  The community manager has already discussed this with the studio and will be looking at the link below to see all the complaints coming in.  Please go post your message there now:

  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204
    Lol. Yes I have posted here there and everywhere @Elsa
    I started a new discussion only so King has a chance to see how passionate their players are about the Quests! 
    Hoping to make a difference  =)<3
  • Claudine-5
    Claudine-5 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    This Mr. Toffee is horrible.  I have played this game for 2 years and got up to the level I am at all on my own.  If I wanted to play with other players I would have played with facebook friends.  I was able to pass levels now I have to wait days for someone to finish a tile which if they would have gotten out of I could have completed so I am at the mercy of someone else and when they want to play and when they pass that tile.  You have ruined this game for me and I am sure a lot of other people.  IF you are going to keep this which I would highly recommend not to then at least set it up so you can tell the other players to get out of the tile so you can continue your game or let all 3 people work on the same tile. I might as well go back to playing solitaire at least I will not have to wait for someone else to make a move.
  • Marcy_Oktavec
    Marcy_Oktavec Posts: 14

    Level 2

    You will be even more upset when you "win". Prizes are cheap for the effort required. I got one striped candy booster and a half hour of play. And it seems from comments that no one has a team mate that actually plays. Cheap shot King.
  • missusr
    missusr Posts: 4

    Level 1

    my team members haven’t won anything.  i’m stuck on a level i could usually win by passing quests - so now i’m not able to improve my play.  getting really bored - will probably stop playing
  • Birdfamily
    Birdfamily Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I really HATE Mr.Toffey’s Fair.  I’ve been stuck with players who aren’t playing. The tile limit, 2 per day, is bad! The rewards are meager at best. Previously you could, arguably, win 3 individual rewards and earn 3 new challenges per day. Now you want me to be dependent on random players on “my team” who may or may not be thanks. Bring back the old personal challenges. Except for “beat any old score” since I never play levels I’ve already won...I resent having my game progress tied to random strangers.
  • Bassam
    Bassam Posts: 0


    We want quests back
  • Susan1313
    Susan1313 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I absolutely HATE what King has done removing the daily challenges and adding Mr. Toffee's challenge. The game is no longer fun to play and it is impossible to advance levels because all of the boosters are depleted with little chance of accumulating more!  Add to that having to complete a challenge with 2 other random players, who may have no interest in playing and getting one lollipop booster as a prize!?!?  What are they thinking except that they want people to pay for boosters and not do as well? Please King, change it back to what it was before and keep your players happy!!!
  • Peggy_Richmond
    Peggy_Richmond Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I have not been given the opportunity to try this new Mr. Toffee thing everybody is talking about. I lost the old quests about two weeks ago.  Want them back King!
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