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Candy crush saga
Level 290
Hi Sweet Legend @Werner_Cichy, "Admin" @candycrushinit,
Ok, just got thru talking with "The One & Only Sweet Legend", @Werner_Cichy at:
Post your current level and episode! - Page 26 — King Community
He said, "Unfortunately I can't find your team in my team search", that was interesting. Thought we were listed in both the white & yellow pages, here at The King Community.
Anyway, gave him all the info, to contact you @candycrushinit. So please be on the lookout for his request.
He just left me another message, "Thanks, I'll try later". You know he is the only "Sweet Legend" we have, when he walks into the room, everyone salutes. It is these server issues. So I recommend you tag / post him, as soon as you get this.
Await your reply.
For those of you needing a team, there are only 2 Spots left, on the "LOL Lollipops Soda Squad Team".
*See also with screenshots my post, on how to join up, at:
Find a Team | Find a member for your Team! - Page 5 — King Community
Admin is: @candycrushinit
Team Name: LOL Lollipops
Code: 294239366
*10 on Team! *Leaves only 2 open spots!
Use "Search bar" in Teams Soda Squad App for codes.
Use "Search bar" in Teams Soda Squad App for codes, first. Then post here, for "Admin" @candycrushinit, this way she can be sure on getting your request. Only the "Admin", can approve you on a "Private" team. If you are on a team, need to leave it first, can only be a member of "One" team. Also, include your "User Name", in your post to the "Admin". Mine is "Dale" in the Game / and on the "Soda Squad Team". Makes it easier for the "Admin" to find you, in all these requests.
Thx Origins7 Dale, 😀
I sent a request to the team
Candy Crush Soda Saga - "Soda Squad" Team!
Admin: @candycrushinit
Team: LOL Lollipops
Code: 294239366
You’re most welcome @Werner_Cichy. Happy crushing! 🍭
Hi LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit @Sofia @Sweetice @Quervo @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 @rock2233 & Now "The Sweet Legend" @Werner_Cichy,
Hey team. With "Werner" on the team, this now means, we get "Milk & Cookies", when we play. (hehe)
Looks like we should hit the 3rd Chest for the 3rd x soon. What a team. From what I have seen so far, King seems to be changing only the 3rd Chest contents. The 1st & 2nd Chest, remain the same. *See Page 11, for screenshots.
For now, same amount of points.
Also, here are links / posts on other "Apps", I have done. These should help you, on getting more "Boosters", if you have the app, or have the "Booster" available to you.
New Booster: Supersonic Lolly - Page 19 — King Community
This post will give you a list of where *Sprinkleshell is at, along with, *The Sprinkleshell Advantage!
Last time I won her, took approx. 6-8 hours on Level 451, to get it. Yes, "ALL" 3 Pieces. Was doing the *Soda Summer Vacation, quests at the time. Lot of "Candy Bombs & Striped / Wrapped" candies needed to be made. Pretty soon, will put in a change of address with the Post Office, to get my mail sent to "Level 451". (hehe) Spend a lot of time here, in doing quests. Just easier to do them here, see the post above.
New Feature! Soda Summer Vacation - Page 4 — King Community
Part 1 on Page 4, Part 2 on Page 5. mostly feedback on it.
New Feature: Kimmy's Arcade! - Page 28 — King Community
Can't say enough good things about this. In no time at all, you can load up on boosters. Have about 70 or so on each one.
If you don't have the app or booster available to you yet. You can do one other thing, to increase your chances to get it. If you use wifi, then load the "Win 10 PC - Desktop App", from the "Microsoft Store", to your PC. Be sure to sync up your devices, with Facebook & King.
Facebook is helpful, in case you need lives. For the team members on the LOL Lollipops, if you request lives thru the "Soda Squad Team App", & I am online, will be glad to send it to you. But, a faster way, is to simply post / tag me here. I will get it immediately thru my email, can then go open "Soda" & send it to you.
We use this forum to communicate with teammates, since there is no other way at this present time to do so.
Now with only 1 spot open, we need a "Community Manager" or a "Fairy Game Expert" on the team. How about you @LadyRaffie or @Lola_Pop or @Yosca. You do get "Free Milk & Cookies", here. (hehe)
Well, hope this helps.
Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀
HOLA dear guys!💕
Welcome to the sweet team @Werner_Cichy ...so happy to have you in our team !!!☺
Thanks for sharing all the good new news every time @Origins7_Dale!!😇
Happy to have y'all 💖☺
Is there room open? I really want this feature so bad!
Hi LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit @Sofia @Sweetice @Quervo @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 @rock2233 & Now "The Sweet Legend" @Werner_Cichy,
Hi @cupcakequeen273. Yes, there is "One Spot", left open. Go to top of this Page 12, & you get the info on joining up.
Well teammates, here is a "Review" on the last 3, 3rd Chests we won.
Team Soda Squad LOL Lollipops - New 3rd Chest Prizes (7/3/2020) - Requires 1200 Points - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale
Team Soda Squad LOL Lollipops - Another New 3rd Chest Prize (7/16/2020) - Requires 1200 Points - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale
Team Soda Squad LOL Lollipops - Another New 3rd Chest Prize (7/20/2020) - Requires 1200 Points - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale
So King is changing the prizes of the 3rd Chest, consistently now. According to @Pitty_Kitty, she told me she gets a different set of prizes from King. Might be because of living in Italy, or the device, or perhaps both.
For now, same amount of points.
Since we are now well into the summer months, at least here in the USA. That means more "Heat" & "Dust". The 2 enemies of electronics, especially PC's.
From "Amazon", I use:
Got this about 5 yrs ago. Does a great job on keeping dust off keyboards & out of PC cases. The 7 Piece Kit, is great, it can also be attached to your vacuum cleaner. So instead of blowing it off, it sucks it into the container.
A word of warning here about "Vacuum Cleaners". They have "Magnets" in them. You need to be 6' feet away when using them. Best is to use the hose attachment. Otherwise, the magnet will wipe out the info on your "Hard Drive". This happened on a build I did with a friend. His girlfriend was cleaning up, got to close to the PC, & wiped out a 500 GB "Hard Drive".
Also, be careful on "PSI". There are "Fins", that can be bent if you get too close to them.
Well, hope this helps out.
Take Care Teammates - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hey @Origins7_Dale!
Yes, there is one spot left @cupcakequeen273. If you like to join, then please send me a request and in the morning, I’ll accept it.
Well done everyone! We managed to get the third chest and win sodalicious rewards! That really helped me complete a few more levels with the help of Move Rush. I’m lucky that I got 2 hours of Coloring Candy and unlimited lives from Daily Bonus along with 30 minutes of Color Bomb and Double Delish Fish from Soda Squad. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard for the time being ✨🌙