Another one of those ridiculous impossible levels.
Impossible level.
Another one of those ridivulous impossible levels. Few moves to clear this level.
This level 12310 at 22 moves was nightmarishly hard level after adding one move to 23 is now a normal level. What a joke it is still impossible.
They changed it from super hard level to nightnarishly hard level.
On this level you cannot even decide to pick your own moves. You have make the moves they tell you. IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL why is it not a Nighmarishly Hard Level?
Another ridiculous impossible level.Try playing them before release.
Have watched the video the player DID NOT clear in 20 moves he had another 27 moves.
No it's not super easy. You show me by doing without boosters and 20 moves.
Another ridiculous impossible level. Too hard to pass with fewer moves than original level. Why again have moves been reduced?