Same here, team I was part of has vanished, Race to finish, feature missing, Kimmy's challenges missing. All in all, now not enjoyable experience. Have the developers never heard the expression " If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Or have they deliberately broken the game.
Hi, I am also having the same problem on Windows 10 pc version. The only difference to Toosweet's problem is that I have never been on a team before. Playing from UK. Otherwise the game plays fine. Just crashes when I want to join a team.
Hi Lola_Pop, I am not playing via facebook app. Playing on my pc, by signing into my King account.
candy crush soda, why is my name not showing on high scores ?
Hi Rock2233, I can't remember what level I was playing (in the 340 -360 range I think). My query was, why does it not show my name, my picture is there so obviously the game knows my profile, but no name. Thanks Bill
Hi Roch2233, In this case No.8
Thanks for all the helpful replies guys and gals. I'll try a few of the solutions that have been mentioned. Sorry for posting in the wrong forum. I'll know better next time.