Update RE: Mr. Toffee's Fair. Just completed/passed level 1824, upon completing that level I was given access to Mr. Toffee's Fair. Who knows why!?!
Upon further reflection regarding the syncing of my Facebook progress to my account it would stand to reason that since there was a glitch, as I previously described, on May 6 whereas there were no King games listed on Facebook it is most likely that when I initiated the syncing via the program did not…
@Sukanta_Biswas One other thing about Mr. Toffee's Fair to note... the notification box that appears "Couldn't Connect"... the red "X" in the upper right-hand corner is inactive. The only way to clear the notification is to click anywhere outside of the notification box.
Yeah well thanks for the replies. I do play on the Facebook platform and the issue with Mr. Toffee's fair has nothing to do with my cache. Everything else I do on this computer is issue free.. online or offline. Every dev/IT I have ever spoke with regarding game issues of online platforms keeps directing the user back to…
Well apparently reporting issues here is a waste of time. The one presented in this thread was May 7, you asked for screenshots I gave you screenshots. To date nothing has been done and no communication from you folks about it either. Due to a new issue that has been ongoing for 3 days now whereas I cannot access Mr.…
@Sukanta_Biswas & @Lola_Pop I appreciate that you are both trying to help and get information to address the situation. Just want to say this is not my first time using a computer. I am not an IT tech, however, I am quite computer savvy. I started in the days of DOS and HTML codes. Anyway, as I said before I went through…
I completed the sync opportunity that I was prompted with on to sync with my Facebook account/CCSS game play. I exited Facebook and came to after seeing no iteration of any king game in the Facebook game page menu or anywhere else on Facebook. In that opportunity/prompt I had to input my password for…
Well this is odd... don't know what is up but I hope it gets sorted sooner than later. Just went back into my Facebook account and saw the notification about the syncing of my FB account to low and behold there's CCSS in the "my games" section to the side. Game still has me at level 1 on though. smh
@Elsa, that was only one of the errors I was seeing. It's more instances like the following screen shot.... I am on an infinite Color Bomb/1hr timer and just finished lvl 1306 which just gave me the first fairy bow which would give me a Color Bomb for my first attempt in level 1307. As you can see I made one move when I…
Facebook only on desktop pc. Played on mobile a few years ago but not any more. I have fiber internet source. I get multiple "You've encountered an error and we are working to fix it. Please try again." or something to that effect, "unrecognized string ID" at end game offer to buy gold to continue game (as if the game does…