I totally agree!
Thank you so much! After reading your post I went straight to my game, did a refresh, and there it was! Both had returned. So nice 'chatting' with you. I hope this problem doesn't come back again for either of us.
Oh, I'm so relieved to hear that I'm not alone with this problem. Thanks for posting. This situation is so frustrating. I'm not playing very much as a result.(leaves time to do other things I've been putting off.)😀
Nothing has changed. I'm still not getting my streak and daily treat. I guess nobody else is having this issue. Playing is so much harder now.
Streak and daily treat finally came back and has stayed, at least for now.
I'm also at a top level and groan every time I see that the reward has timed boosters. I'm passing on playing those games. It also doesn't help that both my daily treat and streak have gone missing for days now. The streak popped up briefly and then disappeared again. 😒
The game is definitely harder now, especially the legendary levels, and with my streak and daily treat missing for days now, playing is very discouraging. I don't spend any money so I'm not playing as much.
Exactly the same for me today! I got so excited and then disappointed again.
No such luck at my place.😒
I have the same issue and have also done the above. Still no streaks. I'm also on a top level as well and don't like to use my phone. My daughter is on a lower level on a different computer and she has also lost her streak for a few days now.