Thank you @Nix66 and @Werner_Cichy. I restarted my iPhone but didn't work. You can see from the screen shot that there is no race.
@Pitty_Kitty, I contacted them and they fixed the issue. Thank you again!
Thank you @Pitty_Kitty!!
@ Lola_Pop, I completed the three challenges but got only 10 GBs. Why is that? I got 15 golden pins instead of 3 and finished the challenge 18 hrs before the deadline.
So, this happens with me all the time. After I finish two tiles on a column or a raw, "someone" comes and ticks a tiles on the same column or raw (some easy task like collect orange or cyan candies) blocking my way. "They" disappear and I lose the chance to get anything. One of "them" did this yesterday. "She" blocked my…