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Maggie-17 Level 2


  • Thanks for your help. Yes my lives are rebuilding - now have about 70. It just frosts me that I lost close to 200. I will contact me.
  • Have not head from anyone. Hey techs where are our lives!!!
  • I had almost 195 lives. Where have they gone and How do I get them back. I have been asking for help for some time now, however no tech has responded. ID: 1178743232 Anyone in this site having the same problem?
  • BTW, They fix one problem that I had since November and now this. HELP
  • I have lost all my lives. I had approx. 190 and now I have 9. Help. This is my second request
  • Thanks for the info and of course your help. I cannot play on mobile. BTW I cannot find "not Helpful" Of course this is Not Helpful. If all other games are working correctly, especially Candy Crush Saga, then why have I lost my team, other players and I have been playing by myself.
  • I have had this issue since early November. Still playing by myself. Why am I not having a problem with Candy Crush Saga
  • It seems strange that I have not had any problems playing Candy Crush Saga.
  • Everyone has been very helpful and I appreciate that. I am still playing by myself. Hopefully, something will develop. Thanks again
  • Thanks for all your help. I followed all the instructions and it say the account was in sync, however I still do not have a team or any individuals listed.
  • I understand that, thank you. However I need to recover my password and it is not sending me a link. Can you send me the link
  • Thank you SimplyP. I do appreciate your help! I have followed your instructions, however there is not a Sync or any type of update area. I am sending you a copy of my screen. What am I doing wrong?
  • Why is it so hard to update the app on facebook that we are playing on. I have been playing for years and NOW Nothing/NO HELP From Technical Support.
  • I can't believe that there is no help from them. I tried to download the app for Windows but then you have to start from the beginning. This stinks!!!!!
  • Who else can we report this issue to. I'm sure we are not the only two with problems. I can't believe that there is no solution. I have not had any recent problems with any other games I play and in the past when I have, tech support solved my issues.
  • Thanks for your comments. I tried to play on, however I have to start all over again. Happy New Year.
  • Yes on my desk top via facebook. There is no help for us. I have been trying since early November. At one time I did have a team, receive lives and was able to see other players but now my screen looks bare. Nothing they have suggested has helped. I have attached. This happened once before and they fixed it. WHATS GOING ON…
  • Thank you, I sincerely appreciate your help. I have followed your instructions, however there is NO UPDATE. I play on a desk top.

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