Thanks for telling me my opinion is completely unimportant. [Comment edited by CM: Rude to other players]
No, they are telling me I don't have the right to have an opinion. I do not like it and I do not want it.
No, it only shows up to people who are friends not everyone and their dog. I do not want this game ... Do I get a choice or opinion? I want the game gone.
I want this gone! My choice not yours.. I do not want anything to do with the garbage they keep pushing out without having any type of out.
I want that game gone from my page. I do not want to have to look at it. It is in the way and intrusive. Why do they force this garbage on people? My information is not on anyone's game page so no.. you are not making any sense. There was no game board until they came up with this and I want it gone!
Yes, that awful Buddy Challenge and this falls into the same category. Why do they force things like this on people? If I wanted my picture and any other information released to anyone I did not know I would have an open account not one that was locked down. Did they not learn anything from the Buddy Challenge?
This is a privacy issue. I do not want my picture on anyone else's page. They didn't learn anything from the last mess they made.
How do I get rid of this new race game? I want nothing to do with this!