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Mike_Branch Level 2


  • Wow, BGH popped up last week for 11 hrs.....then poof, nothing. Awesome refresh rate on lives. After giving the first 5 ( to h* with your 100 energy bars) it's 5 lives....stupid idea with the energy bars....but good thing when you beat all 5 levels you don't use up a life.....NOT. Also amazing that it ONLY takes 4 hrs to…
  • Another day, Another week, Another month.....and probably another Year without BGH. I know, clear cache, update.....blah blah......that does nothing. Played for years in the past every week without any issue. BGH team has not been honest with the players over the "covid" times.....i.e. when you ruined a perfectly good game…
  • Have not seen BGH for months now.......still miss it, but given having not had it for most of the last 15+ months.....I am sort of giving up.
  • Let's see, over a year now with a poorly.......wait, easier to re-type my old complaints: BGH team, blah blah......blah blah blah blah......will the game come back ? BGH team, yadda yadda......yadda yadda yadda, yad yadda trust in the team ever getting the game back to us on a weekly basis. BGH team, rinse and…
  • At least you had BGH for a moment....despite BGH screwing you out of everything. BGH team has given up on the community. Took a great game a year or more back and now.......rare to see it, and when it makes an appearance the number of lives it gives is minimal.
  • Agree !! The BGH project team has disappeared us far as responses and fixes go......for a long time now. I hope this new delay is for 3 reasons: You are changing BGH to refresh new lives more than 1 new life every 2 hours, even if you beat all 5 levels you lose a life....makes no sense. Run BGH 5 or more days a week for…
  • Hello BGH.....where ya at ??
  • How about this weekend......the M-W this week when it was available was great. Do we wait for this coming Monday again or will BGH be around this weekend.....F-Sunday ??
  • I suggest the room start to report jimmythekid ( I know how to @......just not giving IT the respect )....get IT kicked out of waste of time sifting through the thoughtless thoughts.
  • @Babs_ Please don't ever imply to me directly that I am unaware of mental health issues, etc. I won't address the rest of clearly missed my bigger point. Ok, with no BGH it seems this weekend it its time to do another bucket list.......I shall paint a piece of wood tomorrow and watch it dry.....wooohoooo how…
  • WOW......I understand that there are frustrated people out there. But, wow to the haters out there. I would say if this game not being available to you causes such stress, NOW is the time to take a step back in life. Think about why does a software game cause you to get on your computer and spill hate towards a game…
  • (Edit by CM: Off-topic)
  • Well, appears there is no 3 day event with now I guess we hope at least a standard 2 day. As well as what others have raised, the BGH team that is working the fix, etc.....NEEDS to speak up. The total lack of update is where the frustration comes in for players. SPEAK.....come on puppy, SPEAK.......Just say,…
  • Hey all, We know BGH was down last weekend. Has the issue been resolved so it will be back this coming Friday ? During Covid, it was also released for 3 days of play v.s the standard 2 days(weekend). Will this continue, the 3 days ? I still would like to see the time change. The literal timing of the game here, PST, is…

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