I've found this level impossible to three stars and I won't move further until I achieve 3 stars. I've tried this level a thousand times, still no luck, my best score so far is 102.020 (2 stars), and I'm the first one on my friends lists, and the only one to 2 star it. I even completed the level with two moves a couple of…
They fixed it, they fixed it!!! Go play today!! I just got 3 stars after being stuck on this level for about a year barely breaking 70k (75 maybe?). That's still a tall order but my previous 2-star best was 100k and I thought it was good enough to get 3. 70 is still not easy on this level but at long last I think there are…
THEY FINALLY DID IT!!! They changed it and I just got 3 stars barely breaking 70k so something changed and I can move on. Haha