Västerås, Sweden. (No it's not Westeros from game of thrones) 😁
Haha that would be mean to give the rubber duck to Adrenaline. Also, Adrenaline is back with a new account and still active in the game so just a temporary loss for us. 😊
Well I guess we have an open spot now that one guy left, right @GetHanked ? No one knows who that Vietnam guy I'd I believe.
To be honest there has to be way more than 5 spots open. At least five more can easily be kicked as they are inactive (just a few trophies in total) and just joined the team randomly in game. I think @Dimenzio said earlier that they could stay there for now as the team was not full anyway but going in to a new season…
Not easy when you are undercover in game 😁
That sure is a tough score to beat! Wow
Looks like it will be a very tough season 😄😅 Best of luck guys and awesome @Dimenzio that you took it on you to start it up!
Managing the perfect score 3 (!) times but still getting Hanked. Oh man, it's a tough world to live in indeed. 😁 Awesome job nevertheless as usual!
You sure deserve a break after such runs! Incredible
For sure, the more the merrier. Think we all got surprised how popular the idea became and how fast the team filled up. GetHanked will for sure help out if needed. There just need to be someone willing to be the leader of the new team. @GetHanked Maybe the discord channel could be used by both teams also, compete against…