Do I have to keep posting all the time for someone to look into my problem? What is the use of having this support forum if you're not willing to help me or even reply?
Is anybody ever going to look into my problem as to why I not getting any bonus candies whatsoever even when it said I won some, to help me get passed this level? I haven't gotten any bonus candies for over a year and I'm getting really sick and tired of trying to pass this level.>:(
OK, to ask friends for lives works now. I did give the game permission before but it didn't work. I just tried it again and now it's working but getting bonuses to help me in the game is not working.
I think this is the closest I ever got in doing the quest. :( In my last move there is always a chocolate candy ball that drops but I can never use it because I'm out of moves. It's drops just to peeve me off. Hahaha
Sorry I made a mistake. It wasn't the Candy Crush Saga that I had a problem with it was the Papa Pear Saga that had the problems..