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Toph356 Newbie


  • recently my daily rewards started to move forward but only to day 5 where I find myself stuck (again) and not receiving any boosters at all. I am on a super hard level and not having boosters means it is difficult to get past this level (or impossible). I could reload the game again and go back to level 1 but that would…
  • ( to finish comment, hit enter in error?)….now stuck on day 2 but am not receiving that booster so the situation is now worse than it was.
  • Was stuck on day 1 for ages but received that daily reward. Suddenly moved to day 2 and thought the issue had been resolved, however I am now stuck on day 2 and I am not rece
  • I to find that my daily rewards are not progressing. I have deleted the app and reinstalled it and tried skipping a days play as suggested. This has put me back to the day 1 award from which there is no progression

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