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Twinks Level 2


  • OMG I used the checkmark to start and had to use 8 lollipop boosters when I noticed I hadn't quite made the points yet...the few striped candies I had left on the board pushed me to one star, thankfully. This level is just nasty. Were you able to pass this level Tammy Kory?
    in 1726 Comment by Twinks May 2016
  • Difficult yes. Impossible no. You probably won't get past it without at least using the Lucky Candy booster (I'm not going to explain yet again how to get a bunch of these for free because once you've reached this level you really ought to have worked it out*) and it makes sense to use every booster available along with…
    in 1634 Comment by Twinks April 2016
  • Impossible!!
    in 1726 Comment by Twinks May 2016

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