And more missing words: aneet, esi, emäs, emät, epä, erät, imet, itää, iäti, janat, jehu, jive, katat, ketku, ketä, kieu, kujat, kyntö, limat, lovet, lukon, muni, munii, nido, nisät, nolot, nupun, nuput, näkö, ojat, omi, rock, roosa, seepia, sovut, säkä, tiinut, tyri, uhot, upo, yty.
If you don't have friends who can help you, level 51 opens after 60 hours anyway.
If you don't have friends, who can help you, you'll have to wait 60 hours and then you can proceed to level 51.
Finnish version also has very weird words...
And why does the game accept some names and some are not ok? Juuso, for example, is ok, Timo is not. Timo is more popular name than Juuso.
The game still accepts those words..?
These are not Finnish, some aren't words at all...angst, blunt, calls, didnt, ein, inte, klint, klust, knekt, krist, lasst, nehmt, reiru, sento, skall, statt, syteä, tinks, tjöck, ttkkn