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badgerjw Level 2


  • They sent me a TOS that states boosts obtained free will not be refunded. The frustration stems from the fact that I would get a daily pop up asking if I wanted to register so I could always keep my progress. After a long time I finally decided to do it and the result was wiping my boosts. My gold bars were unchanged.
  • I did check out the link. Didn't help. Same thing happened to my wife and apparently many other people judging from posts on this forum. I only play on iPad and have gone through countless updates with no problems. As mentioned it's not a me problem it's a King problem.
  • After constant nagging to rergister my account I did And that's when all my stuff disappeared. I have never played on any other device other than my ipad. This is $$$$ and years of playing wiped out due to a KING server problem. Please put my power ups back into my account.
  • After constant nagging to rergister my account I did And that's when all my stuff disappeared. I have never played on any other device other than my ipad. This is $$$$ and years of playing wiped out due to a KING server problem. Please put my power ups back into my account.

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