I haven’t had Kimmys for weeks. Won’t spend money till I get it !,,
If you earn them then you don’t spend money. I don’t begrudge king for wanting to make money, but keep it fair. Your customers need to know you’re concerned about their enjoyment. Thanks
Is it possible mr king is our partners ???
yosca, glad you are having fun with Kimmy. Guess I’m just unlucky. Hope you continue to enjoy it. I just can’t afford to spend that much money. Good luck.
When Kimmys had 7 levels it gave better and more prizes. Was worth spending gold bars. Now less chance to win and prizes are stripes and solids. Worthless. Won’t spend any more money. Think King shot itself in the foot. Bye bye Kimmy
No Kimmys arcade, no other incentives except the fair. Can only play for half hour a day and one life per half hour. This game used to be so much fun. No more. With me getting so frustrated guess it time to quit. So sad 😭 😹😾😿👎🏻
*Edited by CM: off-topic*
Won’t be spending any money till get the arcade back. Probably spending too much anyway.
Don’t mind spending money on feature I enjoy like Kimmys arcade. But wish it wouldn’t come and go. Just won’t spend till it’s back. They have to be making profit on that feature, if others play like l do. But I’m getting very irritated.
Why king does it this way is just beyond me. But we can only hope more reasonable minds will prevail. Maybe we just need to be patient.🤕🤕🤕