Thanks @QueenB the levels are resorted. Any chance on getting boosters back or is that a lost cause?
Hi @QueenB I lost both my progress in the games and my boosters when I reinstalled per your directions. The games are working now after install so thank you. The screenshots were to show what levels I was on. I didn’t take screenshots of the boosters though before I reinstalled. Hoping you can have me get back to those…
@Xarly @QueenB I also lost all my boosters I had for the games.
Has there been any update to this happening? I still cannot connect to the game. When I type in my password it says there is a game error. It’s rather pointless to play if you don’t get to interact or get rewards or be able to save your play.
I’m playing on an IPhone 8Plus that has all updated hardware and software. Thanks
I am having the same issue. No FB just email. This hasn’t been going on over 3 weeks.
I am using IOS 12.2 on a iPhone 8 Plus