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  • @Lola_Pop As I generally avoid tiles that require the player to complete a specific type of level, It could be a very long time before it happens again. As for sending a screen shot, I would have to ask how that would help. If I took the screen shot of the Mr Toffee board, all you would see is that I had selected a tile.…
  • Even though usually I only see BGH on weekends, not having it has, as of today, depleted my lollipop hammers in both games. Also, after an honestly good series of teammates in my least favorite event (the oft discussed Mr. Toffee) I have been stuck with less than admirable teammates for the past two weeks and as a result…
  • Not sure what you consider “lower levels” but I am in the mid 3000’s in my original game and around 2500 in the new game. Actually, I probably spend less time playing the two games than I did when I just had the one. A big part of that has to do with not having the quests which I used to do daily, and when the timed…
  • One might say that being safer at home for the past two months has caused one to do some odd things... 😉 Comparing sheer luck might be one way to put it, but I also happen to think that there’s at least some skill involved, along with, for lack of a better way to put it, how kind the algorithms are to the player. I have…
  • It appears that something has changed with this booster. When I first started seeing it I would be able to gather all three pieces and actually use it. Now it seems I’ll get the first piece, but never see the other two pieces. The first piece still shows up frequently, but it would seem that theBubblegum Troll has run off…
  • Nope. It’s a new iPad purchased in November.
  • Thank you for the suggestion. I do keep the game on both devices up to date and this has only happened in one of the games. Whenever it has happened, the gold pins show up on their own within a day or so. It’s only the gold pins I’ve earned on prior visits to the game that disappear. If I pass I new level on the first try,…
  • When you pass a level on the first try the map shows that level in gold. I passed level 3523 on the first try, but not level 3522.
  • Yes, they aren’t worth anything, however I have been playing the game on two different platforms—my old game that I have played since “day one” and my new game that I’ve been playing for about 6 months. So I’ve been doing some comparisons between the two. Comparing the gold pins I earn in each episode is one of the things…

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