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craftwithus Level 2


  • Thanks for your reply. To get 3/7 around 600 times suggests an error, I am playing on my PC, I can usually ace the Ultra Hards in 5 or 6 moves . so why did it take me 800 plus moves to finish an easy stage. Also how funny, that I passed the level just after receiving your email, and with goes to spare. This game is not a…
  • Still not answered, KING have ****KING screwed up this level, it is totally locked and unwinnable at present, 1 week, hundreds of goes and nowhere near completing
  • Thanks for the reply, online tutorials all seem to have a perfect set up, mine has been looked at by an experienced player, who cannot get by it either. seems to be locked.
  • Thanks for the reply, but I have had 5 purples about 6 times, usually in the last few moves, so no help to me. This is a so called easy level., 28th, No joy whatsoever the level 1718 has clearly got a lock on it to prevent any progress, please will someone from King get in touch to resolve this level.

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