GOOD NEWS!! Success! I'm not sure how or why -- but I am now able to get the levels past 3535 ... maybe opening up the play store triggered something that was stuck on my tablet software. But Now I am able to the next levels!! Thanks for all of your help -- I appreciate it ...and I learned how to do a few more things (like…
Version: 1.210.1 File Size: 82.MB ASIN: B00W6M002
Sorry - I replied too fast last time. Yes, I did download Candy Crush Soda to my Android Phone and it has the levels above 3535 -- Obviously just a smaller screen -- but it will work in the meantime.
Thanks for the info - I removed my email and I did find my user ID Thanks for your help. User ID: 1117044869
Device Model: Fire HD 8 (8th Generation) Serial Number: G0W0 T905 8393 F2LQ Build Number 00022247233412 This is the screen I get when I try to find my ID number (I log in via facebook - Thanks!
I Apologize, I should've been clearer in my first post.: Do you mean you don't see any levels available in your map? A screenshot of your map would be helpful, if you can YES, no levels available above 3535 Soda updates are checked, did you check if your tablet fire software is updated as well? YES - latest Fire update…