I am trying to pay 10 coins to get an extra 100+ moves since I have been stuck on this level for days, and it's not working. Very frustrating!
I had my challenges back for a couple of days after I reloaded the app, even losing all of my free helps I had built up. Now the challenges are gone again, and I agree, I'm about to give up too!
This is absolutely ridiculous! No fun at all without challenges. I am just collecting my daily rewards and playing other games until the challenges come back. Very disappointing.
So disappointing that they haven't gotten it fixed in over a week! So we have no chance to win anything, with no events while they take their sweet time. I can't believe it would take this long.
Well, it's now the 17th and nothing has been resolved. Any updates?
All of a sudden my game board is very TINY this morning. With my poor vision iit is difficult to see, and a headache quickly developed. Any suggestions?
Oh, and I play on a Kindle Fire.
I agree with everyone, this is HORRIBLE. I had a headache within a couple of minutes. I will wait to play until it is back to normal. If that doesn't happen, you have lost a player.