Hello Marina, I'm also in the 5500+ area and as others have said we could certainly use more moves per level. I have to say that strategy seems to play very little part in whether I complete the level or not……if I'm going need at least 50 extra levels to complete it, I doubt any strategy or how I make the first move is…
Thanks so much….jeanps
I really miss the chat. We all loved chatting to each other about the game and helping each other to progress…..what's so wrong with that???
My count is (Spoiler)
When I was a child, St Valentine would knock at the front door and we kids would race to open it. Guess what? There was never anyone there! But on the doorstep were little presents for us. It's a custom from the past, and now the day has morphed into a more commercial event. But those days were very special to us.…
Hi there, Finally made it to level 7000
Fun fact….A group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they're called a waddle! ... Pic….. Level 1220
Like them all, but I enjoy collecting the flowers in the Spring version
Already we have players leaving the team…chat has been a wonderful way to communicate with each other. Playing solo is ok sometimes but sharing each other’s achievements and being able to encourage each other is much more preferable for me. I would love to know what standards have not been met…in my experience team members…
I don't have it in my game…..the levels are so impossible to pass nowadays, that I doubt I'll be making an impression on any leader boards!!