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Level 1


  • How very interesting are the kind of reply we get to our questions, what a waste of time and energy.. I'm fed up wirh the whole thing, nothing improves, nothing changes, just bla..bla..bla..bla To the very absent developers this is bye bye from me.
  • I'm on level 2580, I used to have fun with this game, I don't any more, I'll be saying bye bye pretty soon, this becoming incredibly boring.
  • And by the way, does it happen that developers give any reply?? Only members are talking on this blog, What's the interest?
  • Listen to me please, I've been playing candy soda for years now. Things were going nice and smooth, I just took big pleasure with this game. And, little by little, changes have arrived..negative ones of course, the worst of them being the daily booster reduced to 15 minutes. It's not anymore a nice game but becoming a kind…

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