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lemongrassfrog Level 2


  • Hi Elsa. I just reinstalled Soda and whilst I've lost all progress on quests and boosters (I had about 20-30 odd lollipops and a couple of Others others I think) I've got back the 657 gold bars I won! It's remembered my level too thank goodness.So it's not all bad. I'm much happier than I was. I do have my ID number too…
  • OK thanks Elsa! I can forego the boosters I guess. Will reinstall now. Thanks so much again. 
  • Thanks so much Elsa! I've tried that but my game now won't connect to the Internet! Even though it recognises I'm on level 1479 it keeps asking me to log in on settings. It also keeps crashing frequently. If I uninstall and reinstall it will I still have the same ID number? Will I lose all my data? 😯

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