I think the issue some had on the feature was all about LIVES. I hope it comes back because if you think about it a little deeper, the stamps can become a type of "crypto-currancy" backed by you guessed it GOLD BARS. Just need more ways to collect the stamps. If you didn't play Shipmates i can see where you would be angry.…
The golden pins mean nothing to me unless they are part of a quest.
The freindship hub was GREAT !! I think the reason it is gone is because players could get boosters without having to pay ridiculous prices for them. It was one of the best introductions to the game in a long time. Combine that with removing the piggy bank feature and it all adds up to being worried about not getting…
I lost 11,000 points and had lives and boosters to collect. You talk about "force close" and update but dont explain how to do that. I play on PC
what does "force close " mean ?