I’ve posted 4-5-6 levels I hope I got the right screen shot I’m still confused. I’ve noticed that on the pages go all the way back to the year 2020 Not sure I’ll see this. If I’m in the wrong space let me no where to post it and is the right screen shot I’ve posted others that I was told was not the right one so I hope…
I’ve tryed posting my levels to get a badge and I’ve been told it’s not the right pic to show I think this one is the one u need??? Don’t no
I still get confused how to post a comment. I don’t see anything that shows comment here so that’s why I go to the wrong pages when I need answers. My question is. What is the Booster that is round purple circle with a gold star in the middle I have no clue what this booster is for or does can someone explain to me the…
That happened to me exacly for a week it half worked I finally got in touch with APPLE if I use apple they told me I owed them money which I didn’t but to them they said I did the transaction went thru at the time but now there saying I owe so I payed it and my game went back to normal except my boosters but my gold was…
For a week my game half froze it took a week to find out why. If u purchase thru apple u no how people have a lot issues that there charging double etc….. I contacted them they told me I owed them money. Which I didn’t understand the transaction went thru so as soon as I payed them what they said I owed them my game came…
Hi there. So only the map counts as proof u passed a level?? I don’t get that it’s obvious I reached it I thought that was the best proof to have with the pics I sent it says I passed. I would have taken the map pics but I really though the ones I shared were better then the map version. Oh well.
This is my proof that I completed level 5000 I have proof for number 2 and 4 -5-6 but I don’t have proof for 1 and 3. Can I still get a badge??? I don’t no if I’m in the right place either lol
If I’m in the right place this is the only shot I got I’m also missing 1-3 4-5-6. Levels I’m going tO post them I hope I’m in the right spot to get credit. Thanks
This my screen shot for level 4000 I still don’t no if I’m leaving this. In the right place if not can someone quide me to the spot for completing levels
I still didn’t get my 1-3-4-5-6 level badges did I post them in the wrong place? I get confused on where to go still lol. I went in the area where it shows all levels and clicked on the ones I’ve passed except 1 and 3 I dint have proof for them but I do the others I posted them but I don’t see them in my profile. What…