I would definitely go to Costa Rica! There the have this place with 100’s of rescue dogs which run free and you can go and play with them. I imagine it’s amazing to see. Aside from that one place there’s so much more to do while your there. It would be my dream vacation
@aijaziqbal thanks for giving everyone a chance. thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim
I think that’s a cool idea!
Voted. I think this would be helpful
Voted! This is a great idea. I have this problem
I’m not at a high level but my fiancé is and I know he would love this!
Candy crush saga will always be my original favorite!
As a new member that was very informative thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim
Very neat interview! does the company do a lot of “team building” type events? Before Covid did you get to travel a lot? How do you brainstorm?