Let me guess. You purchased some gold bars or boosters. Once you do that, no more offers to watch a video for free boosters/turns. I was getting them all the time, bought one booster, and POOF! No more free stuff.
I too am losing patience for the same reason. Considering ditching the game too.
I don't think this is random. Buy something and you get no more video offers. The thinking seems to be that now that you've broken down and purchased one thing, you are more likely to purchase stuff in the future when you get stuck. This theory is bolstered by the fact that whenyou earn gold bars, you have to pay to open…
As you can see by the other posts, this is probably not random. I believe that if you buy something, the system is programmed to stop sending you offers to EARN lives and boosters by watching videos.
I also no longer get offers to watch videos for either a new life or a booster. The only thing that has changed is that I broke down and purchased some hammers to get past a level I was stuck on. I do not believe this is random. I believe that I've been placed in an algorithm for "players who buy stuff" -- and therefore am…
My Theory? Moral of the story: If you want NOT to have to buy stuff and keep playing using lives and boosters you've EARNED by watching a video... DO NOT BUY ANYTHING or you will lose the offers to earn boosters and lives by watching advertisements.