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moo-3 Newbie


  • Elsa, I love level 666! It's great for getting loads of points when you're getting the 180 every 8 hours to get the boosters. Also good when there's any competitions on, for collecting striped candies or colours etc.
  • Hi Matthew, I’ve had that a few times too and I’ve no idea why or what it means (came here to find out). It seems to happen on the last move if you clear the level in the final move, but doesn’t seem to result in any special bonuses or anything like that. For me it’s happened on both hard and easier levels so that can’t be…
  • @John - I hate when they go on and on when the level is completed but don't remember fireworks (though nor do I remember getting such a large score!). I'm sitting at 2345 waiting for new levels .. 
  • @ksviatko I found this too but if you power down your device (iPhone in my case) then restart it, those missing paths will reappear. Levels 1476, 1137, 906, 666, 344, 252 (though as it's timed you may not get this one first time but once you do you'll be there till you give up rather than lose). All of these are good for…

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