You’re full of it! Why don’t you actually answer these questions, instead of bs them? You tend to take away the game from people and you’re upsetting them! No proper answer makes it worse!!!
I agree 100%! I'm done with King!!!
What you SHOULD do, is give the players a bunch of rewards, since you're pulling this CRAP! This is all an excuse for you, only to cover up your B's lies!!
You say to, "please stay home", yet give NOTHING to the people, as so many others have, for us to do at home!! People aren't going to spend money, when you give nothing for us to bother with!! You have plenty of time to work on things during the week!!!
Not only are you guys NOT making money now, as nobody will spend when they're let down like this, TWO weeks in a row, but you're causing everyone a problem, due to this lockdown!!! This does nothing but piss the people off! WRONG TIME FOR THIS!!!!! NOT SMART AND CRAPPY EXCUSE!!!
That's BS! You run it EVERY weekend!!! Ppl look forward to that!!!!