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torsten01 Newbie


  • This is exactly what happens when a company gets too big. It is all about profit maximisation. Customer care is no longer of any value! And why should it be? Money is King... after all. Well, it is a sure way to destroy the fan base. For a long time I did not play a game, if it was not a King game. Now I will prefer any…
  • Not really a test, seriously, what purpose would it serve? Most people play in portrait, so we are a minority as landscape players. The advertisements are all geared towards portrait. I realised while landscape still worked, that more and more often ads played which were not really usable in landscape. They played in…
  • I have been playing Soda for years... what I have seen over the last six months is a continuous slide from a reliable and enjoyable game to an unstable and very irritating one. I play on a new IPad. The following problems have been occurring more and more frequently: game crashes randomly and requires IPad restart game…
  • I also play on IPad and find it quite uncomfortable in portrait mode. So no Candy Crush Soda for me until this is back to landscape. Quite sad, but maybe a good thing to be forced to have a break. Let me know when this is fixed...

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