This is the culprit that freezes game every single obnoxious time! It also doesn't start with this display so you watch the one ad unknowingly then this comes up and whole thisng is frozen. Get rid of it. While your at it get rid of the animation. It serves no purpose except being a time waster loading. Candy crush has no…
I also know they have to pay for each time ad is played. If I don't have a need to buy Pampers diapers they are paying for worthless ad audience. I feel bad for small business whose ad plays but I'm not their demographic nor will I ever be. Why waste your $ on me. Or ads for businesses that are nowhere near me. They need…
Like I said I'm happy to watch an ad for a bonus I just think watching the same 30 second ad over and over is redundant and I'm less inclined to support something that's just plain irritating. Google play game ads could sum up in 15 seconds or less. To me the ads that catch my attention are always the short ones. If I see…