Facebook, but I only ever get the same 1 or 2 friends in the contest. In fact for the last 3 weeks, there has only been the 1 same friend. I gave over 30 Facebook friends that play. Needs sorting out.
Just started this week contest. How can someone do 21 levels in 10 minutes?
I don't care what is said by community.king, I still think the weekly contest is fixed to try and make people spend money on bonuses and prizes. This week, 3 of us have been close at 18 to 24 levels and now someone who has been on 0 levels with just over a day to go has suddenly passed 58 levels in just 7 hours!
It's a complete joke. For several weeks now, there have been at least 1 or 2 others in contest that have passed over 80 levels by day 3. Needs to balance out. Would be better if contest just between your own friends