Can anyone help? batula wonderball resets when I open the game.
Every time I open my game, my wonderball disappears from the level Batula placed it on from when I previously played the game ... It says I didn't reach the wonderball in time... even when it's been just a few hours....And then Batula places another one even farther down the levels. Can anyone help me figure out how to fix…
If i contact support will they restore my lost boosters bc the game crashed?
My game crashed mid game causing me to lose my 5 rainbow boosters and a hand booster 🙄😤🥺 It crashed 2 more times immediately after that.
Why does the game say my Friends are busy?
When choosing friends to play challenges like 4 In A Row, what does it mean when most of my friends list is shaded out and says "busy" by their name? (I have one particular friend that I wanted to play with... He was not already playing the challenge but the game said he was busy.)
Only allowing 20 lives per day?
This will cause players to play less and therefore lose interest IMO.
Weekly contest doesn't add up
Anyone experience this or have feedback? I've won the weekly contest/challenge the last 2 weeks but this week someone I'm competing with that I don't know has already passed way over 200 more levels for this week's competition... That's way over what I've passed each week I've won.... No way I can compete with that if she…