Make more extra games like Bubble gum hill
I play at level 5005 and every friday I get 30 new levels which I complete in two or three days. There's nothing to play for four or five days except old levels for the team challenge. Please give me more Bubble gum hill or other extra challenges. I'm getting bored.
Stop weekly challenge or make it with equal partners
The weekly challenge sucks if you play at level 5005 and only get 30 new levels a week. If you play against players at lower levels who have endless new levels there's no way you can win. Let me play against equal partners.
Stop team challenge bring back personal challenge
The team challenge is most of the time not a team play. Most of the time I'm the only player, or team members do not understand that we have to make one line together or they choose a challenge on your line but don't play and therefore sabotage your line. I want the personal challenge back!