Confusion in game rules
Hi, I saw, some irregular rules happening in candy crush, may be I will be wrong. That's why need your expert looking. If some one is away from games, for some days, then upon joining, there is chance to get extra moves for those days, similarly free lucky booster cycle. But I can't see such rewards in my game. Could you…
Share of boosters with friends
Hi, is there any way, we can share boosters and gold bars with friends like we share/send lives. This feature should be present in candy crush. If it has been already discussed, please let me know, where it is, what about outcome ???
Lucky beans
I am of the view that lucky beans should come once a week, as a reward for playing whole the week, because now, there is no more charm of daily challenge, sugar candies , futher build a bot has become tough, infant it is irritating, loose one level should delete one booster.