Level 8662 impossible
It is not possible to complete this level- the final part requires clearing the icing down the side to reveal double jellies to clear, but it is impossible to clear the icing, as it is blocked behind red and white stripes. It is not possible to create enough wraps and stripes to clear it. Suggest at a minimum removing the…
Level 8626
This level is in desperate need of a review. The board just gets swamped with sugar coatings and it is pretty much impossible to clear the chocolate. I would suggest the amount of chocolate required to be cleared is halved. And before someone goes off and adds a link to the one magical youtube video where the level is…
Level 8585
How is it possible to complete this? The right hand side continuously fills up with waffles so the jellies in the right hand column can never be cleared. The liquorice on the left doesn't drop on every turn, and i think it should be the same for the waffles.
Level 8222
This is yet another level that has gone through various changes, and the current version is far, far too hard. Either the number of moves needs increased, or the scale of blockers needs reduced. Additionally, often your only move is to match three candies on the the far left or far right at the top of the board, which just…
Level 8349
Previous version: 40 moves Current version: 23 moves. Bit of a joke surely? No change in level design, so what gives here? Any chance of some fairness?
Level 8349
Thought i would double check in here. 21 moves is surely a mistake to complete this level? I haven't, in about 20 attempts, managed to get below 30 of each order remaining. There simply isn't enough moves. Something has surely gone wrong here?
Level 8299
What actually are the purpose of the fish in this level? They don't help with clearing any blockers so just aimlessly eat candy, more often that not ruining the chance of making a stripe. This level is harder than the three hard marked levels that precede it and should be classified as such, particularly given the…
Level 8285
Can the 30 moves please be restored for this level? It is impossible to pass with 22 moves. Give all players a fair chance!
Level 8261
The current version of this level is impossible. The main problems with this level are: 1) The fish are absolutely useless and won't help clear any frosting; 2) The levels of frostings at the bottom are too thick to clear given it is almost impossible to make stripes above them as the ingredients take up all the space, and…
Level 8254
Does the colour bomb dispenser on this level actually dispense colour bombs? Or is it just included for a laugh. Played 5 times now and i haven't got one once. Meaning its impossible to power up the frog to clear the second bomb.