Stuck at Level 2816
1 Owl is missing says 92/93, after clear all bubbles in Level 2816. 0 Bubble doesn't shown pop-up "Out of Bubbles!" My Game ID is 7679776584
Level 4670
Where Happened Dark Chocolate in Level 4670? Fix, Should be Lucky Candy (Booster) for Dark Chocolate is instead of Jelly Fish (Booster) in begin of Level 4670. no Lucky Candy in Candy Cannon, Why use Wrapped Candy is instead of Lucky Candy in two Candy Cannons.
No Bonus Level this Today
Bonus Level not appear in Map after Win 1 or 2 Levels in Candy Crush Soda Saga. Pop-up says "New Level Mode" with Help Bear reach the Magic Portal, between Yesterday and Today. no Bonus Level in Map this today.
Golden Pins on Profile
Golden Pins on Profile in Candy Crush Saga, just like Golden Pins on My Profile from Candy Crush Jelly Saga. Note: This is Screenshot edited, Mock-up Golden Pins on Profile.
What Happened Golden Pins?
no Golden Pin on the Tile in Map in Candy Crush Soda Saga. Golden Pins e.g. Level 2900, after Win Level. Old Screenshot from June 5th. Today, 1st Try with Golden Pin not appear after clear the Level without Losing Lives. Why King removed Golden Pins Feature in Candy Crush Soda Saga? In Candy Crush Games, CCS and CCJS is…
Why Extra Moves used 5 only in Out of Moves
no more Extra Moves (e.g. +10, +15, +20) in 9 Gold Bars, after 5 times. In Candy Crush Saga and Candy Crush Soda Saga has Increase Extra Moves and Up to 65 Moves (60 in Soda Saga) after 5 times. Candy Crush Jelly Saga don't have Increase Extra Moves at 5 times. This Level without Boosters or Hammer Boosters (e.g. Lollipop,…
Score Leaderboard disappeared after Win Level or Level Failed
Win/Level Failed Screen doesn't showing up Score Leaderboard at bottom in Candy Crush Saga. My King Account ID is 7679776584 and this device using Android 13 (One UI 5.0) on my Samsung Galaxy phone.
Why New Map is revert to Old Map??
Log out and starting Level 1, After Clear the Level 1. Log in to King Account, not Facebook Account. Close the Game app and Open the Game app, The Map used Old is instead of New, after tap the Play Button in Title Screen. New Map isn't Permanent? Due to Close the Game app and revert to Old. using Android version on my…
Level 2961
Bug Gummi Dragon not spawn after collect 1 in Level 2961, after 2 Moves or more moves using watch ADS or Gold Bar. edit: Losing 241 Win Streak.
Bug in Level 2073
Stuck at Ghost using Bat with Arcane Bubble, Stella is looking up?? Close the game app and Losing the 1st Attempt for Golden Pin. as GIF Please Fix and thank you.