Level 3
Can you please tell us if we can expect Kimmy's arcade this Thursday? I haven't had it now for over two weeks. I see that you update about "Bake a Cake" but in reference to Kimmys Arcade you just said, "it's taking a break. Some type of Timeline would be appreciated? ~Thanks in Advance
Does anyone have Kimmy's Arcade? We use to get it EVERY Thursday-Sunday. Then, a a few months ago is switched to every other Thursday-Sunday. Well, I should have it now. Are they going to fade out Kimmy's Arcade like they did, Bubblegum Hill?
Is "Kimmy's Arcade" disappearing? It use to come every weekend, but now it isnt? I feel like I'm going through withdraws again like when "Bubblegum Hill" disappeared. Any info would be appreciated...Thanks!
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