Can you add a way to turn off hints?
There's a few King games I play regularly, like the Candy Crush series, and I've noticed that they don't even give you time to think before suggesting a move. Problem for me is that that one moving candy is very distracting. There should be a way to increase the amount the of time before the game gives you a hint, or turn…
Why have I stopped making progress towards achievements?
I was playing on King.com after being inactive for a while. As I was playing, I was working on a particular achievement, and monitoring my progress. When I checked my achievements, I had made no additional progress, even though I should have made a ton of progress. What happened to my achievements?!?!
What is wrong with the notifications on King.com?
I kept sending requests for keys to the next episode on pet rescue. I sent the request 10 times in 3 days. I managed to catch one of my favorite friends online and asked for one personally, and she said she never got the requests. She told me she has the same issue. I we are guessing the site is buggy. Can you fix it?